*ANC Leaders Reflect on Traumatic Experiences Endured by Members
Incarcerated on Robben Island*
The party is visiting the island prison to honour the hun...
Widening the cracks in Israel’s war machine
Israelis’ waning trust in Netanyahu and the direction of the war, along
with shifts in global public opinion and accountability, offer leverage to
Genocide: The New Normal
"The *US Department of State* has notified Congress of a planned $8bn
(£6.4bn) arms sale to Israel, an American official has confirmed to the
BBC. The w...
Holiday cheer.
*Happy Holidays field hands!*
Let's see what happens in the new year with this Elon Musk presidency. It
should be very interesting.
If you voted again...
Roger Ailes
Roger Ailes Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 10/01/2024 - 21:31
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Roger Ailes
This is his Confederate post as part of his anti-vaxxer Facebook postings.
This is the s...
U Boat Platform Truck (Aluminum U-boat Cart)
U Boat Platform Truck Typestrucks.Com ALready know u boat cart used? Or
want know u boat cart with shelves? Add […]
The post U Boat Platform Truck (Alumi...
A Father Writes From Prison: "SHOTS FIRED!"
*NOTE: I received the following essay from an incarcerated citizen with
whom I have been working. The photo above is not of him or his children,
but is i...
Places you can order/pre-order Looking for Lorraine: Beacon Press:
http://www.beacon.org/Looking-for-Lorraine-P1380.aspx Indiebound:
Day of Shame, 12th Anniversary
Twelve years after Colin Powell sold the US media and public alike on
America's invasion of Iraq, the film hit of the season makes a hero of a
mass killer ...
*It's been almost a year now that I've been away from blogging, and I'm
sure it will take some 'flexibility exercises' to get back in fo...
ABLC Has Moved!!
Please visit me at my new home at RH Reality Check. I am not redirecting
this URL because all of my archives are here. So, to recap: Archives here,
new co...
Some impromptu thoughts on left unity in the US
I'm thinking out loud here. Feel free to tell me where I'm off my rocker.
I'm interested in working some things out and I welcome debate and
*The members of the revolutionary Black Panther party were the political
descendants of Malcolm X and worked to put his philosophy into action.
Moving day comin' up
Getiing ready to move the blog to a different host and a different software
platform. There may be some interruptions in service, as they say on the
Of Love and Revolutions: A Lesson Un-Planned
by Huma Dar I am reminded of, yet once again, if I ever forgot, occupied
with, all over again, a crazy, intense conversation with my students, some
weeks a...
Israel is frightened of Pikachu
Via Mondoweiss, Al Jazeera journalist Aymen Mohyeldin attended an IDF
"press conference" (read: propaganda service), wherein the contents of the
flotilla w...
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