
Molotov Cocktails

1)  Madison, Wisconsin - Protests against the Walker-Koch brothers union busting legislation continue.  Last Saturday, more than 180,000 people rallied in the biggest protest ever.  Iraq Veterans Against the War is organizing a rally on Saturday, March 19 in solidarity with the working people of Wisconsin.

2) The National Front for Popular Resistance in Honduras  (FNRP) held its inaugural Constitutional Assembly in the Honduran capital of Tegucigalpa on February 26.  The FNRP was formed after the U.S.-backed military coup against President Manuel Zelaya in June 2009.

3) Protests against the U.S. occupation and puppet government in Iraq continue.  Iraqi security forces detained hundreds of individuals following the Day of Rage on February 26.

4) Protesters shut down a Bank of America branch near the U.S. Capitol on Monday .


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