
Que Vivan Los San Patricio's!!

Few history books will tell the incredible story of The San Patricio Batallion, one that seems appropriate to recall during this season ofSt. Patrick's Day in the U.S. As a kid, the only thing I knew about the day was that if I didn't wear something green to school I would getpinched!
Before 1835, a big chunk of Southwestern U.S. was Mexican Territory, including California and Texas. As the U.S. began its westward expansion, Texas became prime realty for the Americanos who at first sought to live in peace with the Mexicans (Catholics) there. But when American ambition grew, a war broke out between Mexico and the U.S., the so-called Mexican War, or Mexican-American War. President James Polk declared war against Mexico in1846.
To fill its ranks, the U.S. solicited enlistees from the mass of new immigrants, many of them Irish, seeking to escape The Great Hunger of 1845. These were promised land and wages for fighting on the American side, but the strong anti-Catholic sentiments of their new found country became quickly evident. The "Potato Heads", were a prime target for this discrimination.  full post at CHICAN-IZMO


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